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The most advanced and customizable donation bot for your Discord server. Easy to setup and 100% free. Start now before you miss donations!

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Donohook | Discord Bots Hub


Easy To Setup A few minutes and you are done! Add the Bot to your server, set your PayPal email, and start accepting donations!
Directly Into Your PayPal - No Fees When a user donates, the money goes right to your PayPal. We don't take any fees.
Donate For Role Donate and get a role instantly.
Create Custom Packs Create custom packs and customize all the following things in each one of them: name, description, role reward, minimum amount, maximum amount, message on purchase and image!
Alert Messages Setup a channel for donations to be alerted in, or just keep them only in your DMs from the bot!
Customize Your Page Title, Description, Banner, Invite and more! All customizable.
Transactions List And Earnings Graph Display a list of all of your transactions! You can order them by different values, search, and more helpful stuff!
The earnings graph will let you know exactly how much you earned every day/month/year, know what worked and what didn't!
Servers List See a list of all the servers using the bot, oredered by top most used. Discover awesome new servers this way!
Total Donation Amount See how much you have donated in total to servers, or to a specific server. Or see how much a specific server has earned from all of it's donations.
Webhooks Offer advanced rewards for your users, and give it to them instantly when they purchase!

Donohook | Discord Bots Hub